Departure - 4 Aspects of Contemporary Art

07.03. – 22.08.2010, Museum

Andreas Kocks - Sebastian Kuhn - Nunzio - Reiner Seliger

Characteristic of the room-consuming work of Andreas Kocks, Sebastian Kuhn, Reiner Seliger and Nunzio is the intense struggle with different materials, with classical and contemporary principles of shape as well as the idea of the dynamic and the static. Accepted rules and structures are broken apart and put back together in new and surprising forms. The transformation of the materials on the one side and the ever-changing perspective of the observer on the other, together play a very significant role. 


The following publication is available on request for this exhibition:

  • Auf:bruch / Departure

    4 Positionen zeitgenössischer Kunst / Four Aspects of Contemporary Art
    Andreas Kocks - Sebastian Kuhn - Nunzio - Reiner Seliger
    Museum Biedermann Donaueschingen / modo Verlag Freiburg, 2010 (Language: German, English)