Axel Anklam

18.03. – 17.06.2018, in the 2-Raum

The Berlin-based artist Axel Anklam (b. 1971) has found international success with his dynamic three-dimensional works. Covering stainless steel armatures with opaque materials such as stainless-steel mesh or latex, he creates seemingly weightless, organic-looking sculptures. In 2017, he was awarded the Berlin Art Prize of the Akademie der Künste (Berlin Academy of Arts).

The exhibition at Museum Art.Plus focuses on Anklam's new series Schneeland (‘Snow Land') and "clime", which consists of mirror-like black and golden stainless-steel reliefs that recall mountain landscapes and confront viewers with their own reflected selves. Changes of light and perspective give rise to ever new and surprising perceptions.

Concurrently, as part of its project series Solo for Hauser, the Erich Hauser Art Foundation is presenting large-scale steel sculptures by Axel Anklam in its sculpture park in Rottweil.